The seven-week inquiry will assess the potential impact of decarbonization on the UK economy, and examine opportunities for the growth of green finance.
By Paul A. Davies and Michael D. Green
On World Environment Day, June 5, 2019, the UK Treasury Committee (the Committee) launched an inquiry into the decarbonization of the UK economy and green finance. The inquiry will scrutinize the role of HM Treasury (HMT), regulators, and financial services firms in supporting the UK government’s climate change commitments, and examine the potential for decarbonizing the UK economy.
UK Treasury Committee
The Committee was established by the House of Commons (the House) to examine the expenditure, administration, and policy of HMT, HM Revenue & Customs, and associated public bodies such as the Bank of England and the Financial Conduct Authority. The Committee is free to choose its own subjects of inquiry, which may lead to a report to the House, or a single day’s oral evidence.
Committee membership reaches across the House benches, and is currently comprised of 11 members. Five members are drawn from the Conservative Party, five from the Labour Party, and one from the Scottish National Party. Recent reports have examined topics such as consumers’ access to financial services, anti-money laundering supervision, and appointment of persons to public office.